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Exercise & Healthy Legs

Exercise is important for all of us in order to maintain our health, both mentally and physically. Even if you suffer from a venous disease, there is no reason not to exercise. Many of my patients have previously undertaken and also continue to compete in sport at a high-level including swimming, running and cycling. One benefit of the procedures offered at The Leg Vein Doctor is there is no post operative downtime and so there is minimal effect on training schedules, indeed light exercise is encouraged post treatment. If you have varicose veins and are still exploring your treatment options before making a decision, you might in the mean time find this video from the Physiologists at Bodytrack informative as it features some low impact exercises that can be done to promote good health. 

Allied care plays an important role in assisting The Leg Vein Doctor and we get referrals from a wide variety of professionals ranging from (but not limited to!) General Practitioners, Dermatologists, Vascular Surgeons, Physiotherapists, Remedial Masseuses, Personal Trainers, Yoga Instructors and Cosmetic Therapists. By establishing good links within the community in Brisbane and Toowoomba, The Leg Vein Doctor aims to educate the public on venous disease, treatment options and over all better health and wellbeing. I hope you enjoy watching this video - please subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up with our forthcoming segments. 

Both Bodytrack and The Leg Vein Doctor are situated on Woodstock Road in Toowong, Brisbane. 

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